It’s Blueberry season!!!

Blueberries are an antioxidant powerhouse; rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B-Complex, Vitamin C, Copper, Selenium, Zinc and Iron.  They can help boost your immune system and prevent infections.  Blueberries can also prevent premature aging, promote urinary tract health, reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and event prevent heart disease and cancer.  As if that’s not enough, blueberries can also improve brain functions, such as easing depression and boosting memory.  What’s not to love?!?

Blueberries are tasty, but they can also be pricey.  So dig in and grow your own!  A healthy blueberry plant will produce fruit for 15 to 20 years before slowing down.

Depending upon the variety, blueberries are hardy in Zones 3 through 9.  They prefer full sun (though they can handle part shade), and well-drained, acidic soil.  Best of all: blueberries thrive both in-ground, and in containers.  Planting several different varieties will allow you to extend your harvest season, thus enjoying blueberries throughout much of the summer.  If you’re not sure what zone you live in, this map will help:


Blueberries are America’s favorite superfood.  Toss a handful into your smoothie, salad, yogurt, ice cream, or directly into your mouth today.  Your whole body will thank you!